
Cookies are small text files that websites save to your computer to remember which pages your device has visited and sometimes what actions you took while on the page.

Why are cookies used?

In some cases the site would not work without cookies, for example where you have to log on to an account or complete a multi-page form. In other cases cookies can be used to personalise your experience, for example not showing the same advert over and over again. In still other cases, they are used to help the people looking after the website to understand how it is being used so they can constantly improve it.

Other methods are available besides cookies for websites to store information on your browser. Currently (December 2019) the Council does not use any of these other methods. In this page the word “cookie” should be taken to include all such methods.

For more information, visit the Information Commissioner’s Office webpage on cookies.

What are the regulations about cookies?

Since May 2018, all websites operating within the EU have been required to obtain your consent to save cookies on your device. This website, in common with most others, uses “implied consent”, which the regulations allow. This means we show you a clearly worded and visible notice requesting your consent but pointing out that we will assume we have your consent if you ignore it. We stop showing you this notice after you consent or after you have seen it and ignored it three times. If you do not consent, scroll to the bottom of this page for more information on managing your cookies.

Why are people concerned about cookies?

When you visit a website, cookies can be set by the owner of the site but also by other content providers whose information is included. Some of those providers may track your activities from site to site in order to build up a picture of your interests and, for example, customise advertisements you are shown. Some people regard this as a benefit; others regard it as an intrusion on privacy.

How does the council use cookies?

Some cookies are essential to the working of the site, for example linking your log-in with the information you have entered on forms. Most of these are deleted as soon as you close your browser. Others last for longer so you can carry on filling in information when you return.

How to manage your cookies

There are various ways in which you can control which cookies are sent to your device. The settings in your web browser will usually allow you to:

Disallow all cookies. Note that this is likely to cause many sites, including this one, to malfunction.
Disallow “persistent” cookies i.e. cookies that remain on your device after you have closed your web browser. This will prevent many content providers that consolidate information about visits to different sites from doing so but at the potential cost of inconvenience, for example not being able to take more than one visit to complete forms on some sites.
Prevent third parties’ cookies. This will prevent advertisers on many sites from tracking you. It is not relevant to this website. Note this will not prevent the providers listed in the section above from setting cookies when you are transferred to their websites.

Which cookies are used on our website


CookieYes sets this cookie as a unique identifier for visitors according to their consent.
Duration: 1 Year


Litespeed cache to provide the prevention of cached pages.
Duration: 2 Year